Thursday, 11 November 2010

Elisa Markes-Young @ Gadfly Gallery

Event Title: The Strange Quiet of Things Misplaced II.
Participating Artists: Elisa Markes-Young.

Gadfly Gallery,
131B Waratah Ave,
Dalkeith WA 6009.

Description: The past and transition to a new country and culture are also themes coursing through the incredibly intricate textile work of Elisa Markes-Young, a Polish-born artist who studied in Germany before migrating to Australia.

This second collection of 'The Strange Quiet of Things Misplaced' deals with memory and the unreliability of our recollections. It is a truly fascinating subject and an utterly unique way of representing it.

The first pieces in her current series - 'The Strange Quiet of Things Misplaced' - focused on the (incorrect) belief that memories are stored neatly in some sort of a cupboard to be pulled out whenever needed, while this series focuses on the so-called 'flexible memory' which is closely tied to the phenomenon of false memories.

We've known for a while that memories are being constantly rearranged according to circumstances. (Augustine called it 'the present of things past'). Research instead indicates that every time we 'remember' we put the memory together again. It blurs the line between constructed memories - as in 'false' memories - and memory as a constructive power. This brings up uncomfortable questions about our reliance on memory and the 'truth' recalled under oath.

Elisa Markes-Young says that "it also opens unlimited possibilities to someone like myself still not at home in new surroundings, clinging onto the past and as an artist for whom memory is not only the subject but also the source my work".

Dates: 12 November 2010 to 28 November 2010.
Opening Times: Tuesdays by appointment, Wednesday-Friday 11am-5pm, Saturdays and Sundays 2- 5pm. Closed Monday and Public Holidays.

For more information, contact:

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