Monday, 2 September 2013

Elspeth Geronimos , Greg Woodward @ Nyisztor Gallery, Melville Centre

Event Title: REACTIONS paintings and photographs from Athens 2011 to 21013.
Participating Artists: Elspeth Geronimos, Greg Woodward.

Venue: Nyisztor Gallery, Melville Centre, 391 Canning HIghway.

Description: "No two cities have counted more to mankind than Athens and
Jerusalem." (Churchill). Athens is at the heart of the global financial
crisis beginning 2007, threatening the euro and the worlds banking system.
Jeruslem has also had an intense, world-changing history. These cities
continue to mean something powerful to the whole world. Athens may be a
small Mediterrean city, one of Europe's smallest capital. But the word
'Athens' conjures up everything we most value in the West. That is why it
was rescued from Communism by Churchill, and saved from itself by the
European union. "REACTIONS" is a personal view of the changing and
unchanging faces of the city.

Dates: 30th Sept 2013 to 14th Oct 2013.
Opening Times: 10am to 5pm daily.

For more information, contact: Elspeth Geronimos or Greg Woodword

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