Event Title: The Valley of the Nightflowers Exhibition.
Participating Artists: Jodee Knowles, Anya Brock, Sophia Varano, Fieldey,
Calliope Bridge, Monday, Natasha Lea, Sarah McCloskey, Kim Kim Kim, Hayley
Welsh and Sheryl Young..
Venue: Linton and Kay Gallery, Level 1 / 137 St Georges Terrace Perth WA
6000 .
Description: Ever noticed a woman who effortlessly stands out from the
She's the one dancing, howling at the moon and frankly, my dears, she just
doesn't give a damn. She's the predator lurking in the hallways, a siren
attracting denizens of the dark. We've all seen one, been friends with one,
or maybe we are one. Welcome to an exhibition of 11 of Western Australia's
best female artists which gloriously and unashamedly celebrates these
intriguing night flowers.
Women and flowers have long been associated for their beauty and passivity,
but The Valley of the Nightflowers exhibition at Linton and Kay Gallery in
November turns that on its head to celebrate rebellious women, unusual
flowers and beautiful, unconventional art.
Dates: 8 November 2015 to 22 November 2015.
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 10am-5pm; Saturday and Sunday 11am-4pm .
For more information, contact: Natasha Lea.
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