Monday, 19 February 2018

'Your Arts Great So Why Are You Hiding It' @ Mount Flora Regional Museum

Event TitleYour Art's Great So Why Are You Hiding It. Getting confident with Social Media, Journalists and the Press. Workshop for artists and makers
Participating ArtistsEmerging, mid-career and established artists
Venue NameMount Flora Regional Museum
Venue AddressElvire Street Watermans Bay Western Australia 6020
DescriptionAre you confident with Social Media, Journalists and the Press?
If not, join a terrific bunch of practitioners at "Your Art's Great So Why Are You Hiding It. Getting confident with Social Media, Journalists and the Press".
This professional development workshop explores real and practical tips for working with journalists and using social media to build your profile.
Join arts journalist, Paula Silbert with Digital Media Strategist, Mel Anastas from Do Re Media on 17th March.
* Tried and tested ways to receive thousands of dollars of free media.
* Simple ways to get the best out of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn.
* Essential ingredients for your next Media Release.
* What you must (and mustn't) say to journalists.
* A Step-by-step Media Release check-list.
* Easy ways to identify the media that's good for you, your studio and your event
* Guided practice and investigation on your device – or (if you don't have one) learning and getting confident while closely watching other participants practice on theirs.
* Afternoon tea provided.
Thanks to the City of Stirling and their wonderful Mind Your Arts Program!
Workshop fee: $110 fully inclusive
Bookings essential
State Date17/03/2018
End Date17/03/2018
Opening Times1.00pm sharp to 4.30pm.
For more or call 9205 8555

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