Participating Artists: Thomas Heidt.
emerge ARTSPACE,
676A Beaufort St, Mt Lawley.
Description: Thomas Heidt's latest solo exhibition [Time Slot] at Emerge Art Space brings together a series of elemental works that embody the artists‚ continuing process driven practice and its movement into increasingly vast spaces.
Sighting the aesthetics of scientific processes, repetition and emotional and rational methods of construction, Heidt has an implicit understanding of materials and their underlying potential to create form and structure. Charred local timbers and pencil box tools are employed by Heidt in his creations, where repetitive forms give way to the subtle oddities uncovered via the artists process.
Amongst these earnest inquiries into the nature of materials, scientific repetition and minimal aesthetics, there is a lingering and refreshing effect of play evident in Heidt's works.
There is a sense that many of the works presented in [Time Slot] are a slice of a larger, perpetual structure or pattern that with time could extend beyond the gallery walls.
- Britt Salt.
Dates: 1 June 2011 to 17 June 2011.
Opening Times: Wed - Sat 11am - 4pm or by appointment.
For more information, contact: 9271 6459.
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