Event Title: Surfacing - New works by Melanie Diss and Ben Mitchell.
Participating Artists: Ben Mitchell and Melanie Diss.
Midland Junction Arts Centre,
276 Great Eastern Hwy, Midland (near Midland Gate Shopping Centre).
Description: Upcoming exhibition 'Surfacing' is a collaborative painting exhibition by 2012 Cossack Art Award category winner Melanie Diss and 2011 Cliftons Art Prize recipient Ben Mitchell. It explores random marks and imagery associated with everyday painting processes like wall painting and graffiti.
Mitchell uses old desktops from the Midland Railway workshops as grounds on which to paint palimpsests of memory and aging.
Diss creates tactile, multi-layered surfaces that explore the decay of the painted surface. Working with non-traditional grounds, she layers acrylic housepaint and ink on translucent fabrics stretched over small pine panels.
Dates: 26 October 2012 to 11 November 2012.
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 11-3pm, Sat-Sun 11-4pm.
For more information, contact: 0437 419 413.
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