Friday, 24 July 2015

Artists aged 12-25 in Western Australia @ John Leckie Pavilion

Event Title: Emerge Youth Art Awards

Participating Artists: Artists aged 12-25 in Western Australia .

Venue: John Leckie Pavilion, Melvista Avenue, Nedlands.

Description: The City of Nedlands Emerge: Youth Art Awards is open to young
people aged 12-25 years.

Artworks must be two dimensional - print, photography, painting, drawing,
etc. An exhibition of entries will be held on Saturday, 22 August at John
Leckie Pavilion, Nedlands, with an awards ceremony for all categories.

The theme is 'TRANSITION'.
A change from one state or condition to another.

Key Dates:
Entries Close: Friday 31 July 5pm
Exhibition and Award Ceremony: Saturday 22 August 2-6pm

Award Categories

Resident's Award -
First Prize $500
Commendation $250

Open Award -
First Prize $500
Commendation $250

People's Choice Award -
First Prize $500

Dates: Entries Close: Friday 31 July. Exhibition: Saturday 22 August.
Opening Times: 2-6pm.

For more information, contact: Mel Dias.

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